November 15 & 16, 2023 — Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
The First Binational
Mental Health Conference
Following last year's highly successful symposium "Action Today, Stronger Tomorrow", we are holding our First Binational Conference on the beautiful Caribbean Island of the Dominican Republic.
2023 Conference Workshops
Wednesday, November 15th, 2023
Concurrent Workshops
Morning Session (11:00am - 12:30pm)
"Dual Pathology in Patients with Addictions" (Español) — Lic. Holando Gesualdo, Resilio Behavioral Medicine
This workshop aims to present the epidemiology of dual pathology, its social aspects, and its effects on chronic affective and depressive psychosis. It will also touch upon the associated personality disorders and, finally, anxiety disorders. -
"Visual Therapy and Recreation Against Violence" (English) — Mr. Edwin Desamour, Executive Director, Lighthouse Inc.
Through this presentation, we will discuss the impact our field and programs have on our community. This includes overcoming and preventing trauma, substance abuse and addiction, social determinants of health, child and adolescent intervention and prevention services, and family and elder services. -
"Understanding & Addressing Social Determinants Of Health" (English) — Patricia Canela-Duckett, MBA, United Healthcare
Social determinants of health are defined by the World HealthOrganization as the conditions under which people are born, grow up, live, work, and age, as well as the systems designed to address illnesses. These situations can affect anyone, regardless of age, color, or ethnicity, and they can have a significant impact on one's health. In this workshop, we will delve into the concept of social determinants of health and explore how these issues can be addressed in your community.
"Using Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) assessment to inform Treatment with Children & Youth" (English) — Dr. Andrea S. Ettingoff, CCTC & Ms. Edith Lopez, CCTC
How can it be determined if children and families are emotionally available to participate in mental health services? And, conversely, how do mental health concerns impact the overall ability of a family to sustain a healthy living environment? If the focus of a family is on day-to-day survival, or they are facing pending food or housing security, mental health treatment will be impacted and potentially can be modified to address those concerns. A tool such as the Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix (ASSM) can be used to assess any current health and welfare situations and to monitor for improvement over time. Understanding the interaction between mental health issues and social determinants of health (SDoH) will enhance the ability to provide a comprehensive plan of care coordination and treatment. -
"Community Model in Mental Health and Addictions in the Dominican Republic" (Español) — Dra. Francis Báez, SNS, Psychiatrist
This workshop will focus on describing the development of mental health in the Dominican Republic from its beginnings and the restructuring that has taken place within the system since the Mental Health Law was enacted in 2006. -
"Welcoming, Respectful, and Best Practice Services For the LGBTQI+ Population" (Spanish) — Ms. Matilde Silvestre Constanzo, MA, HCCS
LGBTIQ+ individuals are more likely to experience certain health problems compared to non-LGBTIQ+ individuals. These health problems are mainly due to stigma and discrimination. With this conversation, we aim to make all members of the LGBTIQ community feel welcome, respected, and understood. We also seek to identify and address the needs of this group, providing a space for analysis and discussion on the main issues and challenges of the Latino LGBTIQ community from a psychotherapeutic perspective.
Afternoon Session (2:00pm - 3:30pm)
"Stigma and Discrimination Towards Drug 'Addicts'" (Español) — Lic. Hanoi Vargas, Behavioral Clinic VOLVER
This session aims to raise awareness among healthcare providers and the general population about the need to see substance abuse disorders as a health issue rather than a punitive one. It will draw from the facilitator's experiences conducting multiple workshops among healthcare professionals in the Dominican Republic. -
"Challenges and Issue of Mental Health in the Dominican Republic" (Español) — Lic. Abril Arias Taveras, Psychologist, Dominican College of Psychologists, CODOPSI
During this conference, we will learn about the reality of Mental Health in the Dominican Republic, its legal framework, reforms, and the budgetary and human resources situation. -
"The Importance of Self-Care For the Caregiver" (Español) — Mr. Roberto Cedano, CCTC & Mr. Francisco Roman, MSW, CCTC
This presentation aims to describe the importance of self-care in the mental health of mental health service providers from a biopsychosocial perspective. It seeks to promote individuals' self-responsibility for self-care as a resource to improve quality of life and well-being. Mental health professionals must take responsibility for their self-care to promote their well-being and professional competence. -
"Digital Media & Mental Health" (Español) — Dra. Biaris Rodríguez, Psychiatrist
This workshop focuses on how digital media and social networks influence mental health, both positively and negatively, with an emphasis on destigmatization and combating discrimination against individuals with mental disorders.
"Supporting Youth Across the Continuum of Care of Behavioral Health in Schools" (English) — Dr. Jayme Banks, School District of Philadelphia
The School District of Philadelphia utilizes a tiered approach to aligning resources and services to our students. Through a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS), we can support students' social, emotional, and behavior needs from a strengths-based perspective.
"Partnering With Schools: Supporting Our Students’ Behavioral Health Needs" (English) — Dr. Nary Kith, CCTC & Lourdes Hernandez CCTC
The School District of Philadelphia utilizes a tiered approach to aligning resources and services to our students. Through a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS), we can support students' social, emotional, and behavior needs from a strengths-based perspective.
Thursday, November 16th, 2023
Concurrent Workshops
Morning Session (9:00am - 10:30am)
"Pathway to Resilience: Supporting Infants and Young Children Through a Trauma-Informed Lens" (English) — Ms. Esperliss Melo Caceres, M.Ed., Gateway Community Action Partnership Head Start
This workshop will explore the prevalence of trauma exposure in infants and young children, emphasizing the impacts on the developing brain. Trauma-Response practices can help increase resilience in infants and young children, allowing them to thrive. -
"How Do Childhood Traumas Affect Adulthood?" (Español) — Ms. Emma Vila-Gillam, MA, CCTC
Childhood trauma during our early years can stay with us for life. Increasing scientific evidence indicates that adverse experiences during early childhood have a profound impact on our physical and mental health.
"Why Do I Care? Self-Care as a Tool For Community Healing" (Español) — Lic. Wendy Alba, Mental Health Collective (COSALUME) & Lic. Mirna Guillen, Mental Health Collective (COSALUME)
The importance of self-care for caregivers is often highlighted, but it is also crucial for the entire community. The workshop explores self-care's ripple effects and how it can transform into community healing when integrated effectively. -
"Men's Role in Stopping Domestic Violence" (English) — Mr. Charles de Leon, CCTC
The workshop is a vital and comprehensive program that seeks to empower individuals to take an active stance against domestic violence and promote healthier relationships within communities. It goes beyond awareness by equipping participants with a deep understanding of the impact of domestic violence on families and children. The workshop guides individuals to reflect on their own attitudes and behaviors, emphasizing the need to challenge stereotypes and embrace healthier masculinity. By fostering effective communication, empathy, and practical strategies for intervention, this training encourages participants to play an essential role in preventing domestic violence. -
"The New Pandemic: Food Addiction" (Español) — Dra. Alexandra Hichez, General Psychiatrist and Liaison Specialist in Addictions
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